Haus of Codec is currently full.

If you are seeking housing services, please complete our Waitlist Survey by Clicking Here and a member of Haus of Codec will reach out as soon as a bed is available.

What can you do to help? The Approximate cost per resident is $800 per month. Help us raise $5,600 this month. You can Donate Here

Our Programs

All Housing programs at Haus of Codec are for young adults ages 18 to 24

  • The Emergency Shelter is temporary emergency housing for LGBTQIA+ youth ages 18 - 24. Residents are provided wraparound supportive services to transition youth into more permanent housing.

New Horizons

  • Haus of Codec provides Transitional Housing (TH) a temporary housing program with supportive wraparound services to young individuals experiencing homelessness with the goal of interim stability and support to successfully move to and maintain permanent housing. TH projects can cover housing costs and accompanying supportive services for program participants for up to 24 months.

    Haus of Codec currently has one 11 Bedroom Transitional Housing Facility.

    Participants in a TH project must have a signed lease, sublease, or occupancy agreement with the following requirements:

    An initial term of at least one month

    Automatically renewable upon expiration, except by prior notice by either party

    A maximum term of 24 month

    This program is by CES Referral only

  • RRH is a permanent housing program that provides short-term (up to three months) and medium-term (4-24 months) tenant-based rental assistance and supportive services to households experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

    HUD does not require an individual to have a disability to qualify for RRH. However, the program participant must meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the NOFA under which the project was funded.

    This program is by CES Referral only

Shelter at Haus of Codec

To access our intake process please call 401-227-7121‬

*This Phone number is a Google Voice Number, if a call is not answered please send us a text

At the Haus of Codec Emergency Shelter, residents reside in a private room in a communal living space with shared common areas.

The shelter space host a food and clothing pantry, self-service kitchen, a shared bathroom, access to essential services through partner providers, and a sense of community where there wasn't one before.

Wait List

If you are seeking housing services at our Emergency Shelter, please complete our Waitlist Survey by Clicking Here and a member of Haus of Codec will reach out as soon as a bed is available.

After receiving your waitlist entry a Case Manager will reach out to you with Information about our housing, additional resources for other shelters and housing agencies and wether or not we have a bed open. Once, a bed has open our Case Manager will reach out to you within 24 hours of the bed opening to initiate intake, new residents will have 24 hours to respond before our case manager moves on to the next person on our waitlist.

Haus of Codec is providing a safe housing space for youth ages 18 - 24 to call home and help them find their own, more permanent housing solutions and workforce development opportunities.

Who we serve

Haus of Codec serves homeless, runaway, and system-involved youth in Providence.

How old are youth?

How do youth find Haus of Codec?

What is the youth ethnicity?

What gender are youth?

Where are youth from?

What is the youth race?

If you are between ages 18 - 24 and looking for help, call 401-227-7121‬